====== Alia Dehman ======
Doctorante (UEVE) \\
Université d'Évry Val d'Essonne \\
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Modélisation d'Évry (UMR 8071) \\
I.B.G.B.I., 23 Bd. de France, 91037 Évry Cedex \\
☎ +33 (0) 1 64 85 35 36 \\
📠: +33 1 64 85 36 01 \\
===== Topic of the thesis =====
I am working on incorporating the linkage disequilibrium (LD) information in Genome-Wide association studies.
===== Research topics =====
* Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
* Linkage Disequilibrium (LD)
* Structured penalized regression models
===== Publications =====
===== Seminars and Posters =====
* Statistics for Systems Biology (SSB), Evry, June 2013
Slides {{:members:adehman:ssbreg_juin2013.pdf| slides_ssb}}
* Software and Statistical Methods for Population Genetics (SSMPG), Aussois, 2013
Poster {{:members:adehman:aussois2013.pdf| poster_SSMPG}}
* Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM), Toulouse, July 2013
Extended abstract {{:members:adehman:jobim2013submitted.pdf| ex_abs}}
Slides {{:members:adehman:slides_jobim.pdf| slides_jobim}}
* Troisièmes Rencontres R, Montpellier, June 2014 [[http://r2014-mtp.sciencesconf.org/38324]]
===== Software =====
* "Blockwise Approach using Linkage Disequilibrium information" (BALD) :
The BALD R package provides functions for the Genome-Wide Association Studies including simulation of SNPs data, constrained hierarchical clustering using Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) measures, the Gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters, and statistical regression models for SNP selection (Univariate, Lasso, Group Lasso, Elastic-Net).
Package source : [[http://www.math-evry.cnrs.fr/logiciels/bald]]
===== Teaching =====
* L1 Bio: Analysis
* L2 Math and L2 Info: Probabilities and Statistics
===== A competition award =====
The Audience Award in the local stage of the competition "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" in Evry [[http://www.mt180.univ-evry.fr|MT180-Evry]].
===== Internship =====
M2 internship report {{:members:adehman:rapport_stage.pdf|Régression parcimonieuse structurée pour les études d’association pangénomiques}}