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This program implements on-line methods for large undirected networks.

Running ermgo

mixneto -q <int> -Q <int> <filename.spm> [options]

Main options are:

  • - - classif : Use the classification algorithm
  • - - stochastic : Use the stochastic classification algorithm
  • - - improve : Performs improvements of unsatisfying models

For a complete options list:

mixneto -h
man mixneto

Post-treating the results

Mixnet provides two Perl programs:

  • mixnet-cl c From a MixNet .model file, displays the class of each nodel and creates file for Cytoscape
  • mixnet-sim From a MixNet .model file, simulate a network

Reading the pdf documentation


Hugo Zanghi, Christophe Ambroise and Vincent Miele, Fast online graph clustering via Erdös-Rényi mixture, Pattern Recognition 41 (2008) 3592-3599 [on line Preprint SSB n°8, 2007:]

Project Team

  • Statisticians: Christophe Ambroise, Franck Picard, Hugo Zanghi.
  • Developers: Mark Hoebeke, Vincent Miele.

Back to MixNet Homepage.

logiciels/mixnet/mixneto.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/28 15:51 (external edit)

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